Last Updated On January 10

Unleash Your Productivity in 2024: A Deep Dive into Notion Review

Notion 2024 Review: All-in-One Powerhouse or Overhyped? Unlock the truth & maximize your productivity.

Imagine having everything you need at your fingertips, from brainstorming ideas, managing projects, and collaborating with teammates to tracking your personal goals.

In this Notion review, we will explore Notion pros and cons, Notion security review, and the various characteristics of Notion so that you can determine if it aligns with your specific needs and requirements.

So sit back, relax, and let's find out if Notion is the one for you!

What is Notion?

Notion is an all-in-one productivity tool that provides an integrated workspace for note-taking, project management, task tracking, knowledge organization, and collaboration.

Notion’s user-friendly platform is designed to simplify work processes and boost productivity.

It allows users to organize information, manage projects, store files, collaborate with teammates, and access everything from any device.

Ease of Use

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Customer Service

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Value for Money

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Notion Review

Image Source: Notion

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What is Notion used for?

Notion all-in-one workspace and productivity tool helps you take notes, manage projects, organize information, track tasks, and work together with your team. You can create all sorts of things like databases, documents, wikis, and boards to keep everything in one place and make it easier to stay on top of things.

Notion is like a mix of different tools rolled into one. It combines features you'd find in note-taking apps, project management tools, and databases. This means it's handy for lots of different things, like keeping yourself organized, working with your team, and creating content.

Imagine you're a student getting ready for final exams. You've got notes from different classes, research papers to sort out, project deadlines to hit, and group study sessions to plan. Plus, you're working on your own project and want to track how it's going.

In this situation, using Notion would work really well. You can make different pages or sections for each subject, where you can keep all your lecture notes, assignments, and study materials organized. Notion lets you set these up however you like, with options like lists, tables, or boards, so you can choose what works best for you.

If you're working on research papers or a personal project, you can make special pages just for them. You can add to-do lists, timelines, and links to things you need. With Notion, you can share these pages with classmates or project partners so everyone can work together and see updates as they happen.

Also, Notion works with your calendar so you can plan study sessions, meetings, and deadlines. This helps you stay organized and make sure you're using your time well. You can even set reminders to help you remember important dates and tasks, so you don't miss anything.

Notion's Key Features

In this Notion review section, we will delve into the essential features of Notion and determine if they align with your needs.

  • Notion's workspace

Notion's workspace is the playing field where you can create, organize, and manage all your notes, projects, and tasks. It is a blank canvas to create and organize your content suiting your needs.

  • Create Workspace

When you sign up for Notion for the first time, it automatically creates a workspace called "Getting Started". This workspace serves as a guided tour to help you become familiar with the app and its features.

Inside this workspace, you'll find a to-do list that walks you through different tasks and features of Notion.

The to-do list in the "Getting Started" workspace is optional, and you can delete it if you prefer a blank page to start organizing your templates and notes.

Notion join or create Workspace

Image Source: Notion

To set up multiple workspaces, follow these steps:

  • Click on your account name, located at the top left corner of the Notion app.

  • A drop-down menu will appear. Click on the three dots (...) beside your account name.

  • From the options that appear, select "Create a Workspace."

  • Give your new workspace a name and choose an icon to represent it.

  • Click "Create" to finalize the creation of your new workspace.

You can repeat this process to create additional workspaces for different use cases, such as team collaboration, school projects, or personal organization. Each workspace functions as an independent area with its own set of pages, databases, and content.

Notion review

Image Source: Notion

  • Sidebar

The Notion sidebar is like a map that helps you find your way around the app. It lets you quickly jump to different pages, databases, and features in your workspace.

You can organize your content into categories and subcategories using nested pages. You can also customize the sidebar by adding shortcuts to your favorite pages or databases for easy access.

This way, you can create a workspace layout that works best for you.

Notion workspace sidebar

Image Source: Notion

  • How to use the Workspace

You can customize Notion to fit your needs perfectly. Try out different layouts, features, and integrations to make the most of your workspace. Don't be afraid to experiment and find what works best for you.

To make the most of Notion's workspace, follow these steps:

  • Create a Workspace

Sign in to your Notion account or create a new one. Once you're in, you can create your own workspace or join an existing one.

  • Organize with Pages

Start by creating a new page within your workspace. Give it a meaningful title that represents the content you'll add.

You can use text-based pages, to-do lists, tables, calendars, or any other available template.

  • Add Blocks

Within each page, you can add different types of blocks, such as text, headings, images, files, and more, by clicking on the "+" button where you want to insert a block.

This allows you to structure and organize your information in various formats.

  • Customize with Properties

If necessary, you can add properties or columns to turn a page into a database.

For example, if you're using Notion for project management, you can add properties like status, priority level, due date, or assigned team member.

  • Use Templates

Notion provides numerous templates covering common use cases like project management, meeting notes, goal tracking, and more.

Explore the template gallery to find layouts that suit your needs, and save time by starting with a pre-built structure.

  • Collaborate & Share

You can invite team members or external collaborators to work together on specific pages or entire workspaces.

Additionally, real-time editing ensures everyone is up-to-date on changes made.

  • Customize the Sidebar

The sidebar serves as a navigation tool within your workspace, which helps you easily access different pages and databases.

Utilize it by organizing pages into categories and creating shortcuts for frequently used documents.

  • Drag-and-Drop & Reorder

Take advantage of Notion's drag-and-drop functionality to move pages within the sidebar or rearrange blocks within a page.

This allows you to easily reorganize your workspace and adjust the layout according to your preferences.

  • Use Keyboard Shortcuts

Notion offers a range of keyboard shortcuts that enable you to work more efficiently.

Familiarize yourself with these shortcuts for quick navigation, formatting, and other actions.

  • Notion's Pages & Content Blocks

Pages in Notion are like digital notebooks or documents that can be created for different purposes, such as project management, note-taking, task tracking, or a knowledge base. They serve as containers for your content and provide a hierarchical structure to organize your information.

Within each page, you can add various types of Content Blocks to create and organize your content. Content Blocks are modular units that allow you to insert different types of information, such as text, images, videos, tables, code snippets, to-do lists, embeds, file attachments, and more.

Notion reviews

Image Source: Notion

  • Content Blocks Features

The beauty of Content Blocks is that they can be easily rearranged by dragging and dropping them wherever you want on the page. You can also nest blocks inside one another to create hierarchical structures or expand/collapse blocks for a cleaner view of content.

To add a Content Block, click the "+" button once you have created a page and select the desired type from the menu. Here are some common types of Content Blocks:

  • Text

This block allows you to enter text and format it using various styling options like headings, bold, italics, bullet points, etc.

  • Image

You can insert images from your computer or by pasting a URL into this block. Images can be resized, captioned, or linked to other resources.

  • Video

This block lets you embed videos from platforms like YouTube or Vimeo directly into your page for easy viewing.

  • Table

Tables help you organize data into rows and columns. You can add and edit cells within the table and customize its formatting.

  • Code Snippet

If you need to share code snippets or programming examples, this block allows you to format and highlight code with syntax coloring for easier readability.

  • To-do List

Notion provides checkboxes that allow you to create interactive to-do lists where tasks can be checked off as they are completed.

  • Embeds

With this block, you can embed external content such as Google Docs, Sheets, PDFs, websites, tweets, maps, and more directly into your page.

  • File Attachment

This block allows you to attach files like documents, spreadsheets, images, or any other supported file type for quick access within Notion.

Notion content block

Image Source: Notion

Notion Content Blocks give you many ways to create and organize different types of content in your workspace. They can be customized and shared with others, allowing you to build interactive pages that match your needs.

  • Notion's Databases

Notion's Databases provide a versatile and user-friendly system for organizing, managing, analyzing, and collaborating on complex sets of information within your workspace.

You can visualize your databases using different views: table, board, gallery, list, timeline, and calendar.

  • Table View

In the table view, your database is shown as a structured table, like a spreadsheet. Each row represents an entry in the database, while each column represents a specific attribute or information for each entry.

You can customize the columns and easily organize and find data using sorting and filtering options.

  • Board View

The board view lets you see your database as a collection of cards organized into columns. It's like a kanban board where you can move cards between columns to track progress or group items together.

This view is often used for managing tasks or organizing projects.

  • Gallery View

The gallery view displays your database entries in a grid layout with customizable card designs. It's great for showing off visual content like images or documents.

You can create custom templates for each card to emphasize important information and visually represent your data.

  • List View

The list view in Notion simplifies your database by displaying entries in a clean and organized list format. It's best for straightforward tracking or quickly scanning information.

Each entry is presented as a line item, allowing you to easily focus on important attributes without any distractions.

  • Timeline View

In the timeline view, you can see time-based data from your database in an interactive format. Entries are shown in chronological order along a horizontal timeline, making it easy to track events or deadlines.

You can zoom in or out and apply filters to focus on specific time periods.

  • Calendar View

The calendar view shows time-sensitive data in a familiar monthly calendar format.

Entries from your database are displayed on their corresponding dates, helping you schedule appointments, plan projects, or keep track of important dates with ease.

Notion databases

Image Source: Notion

  • Create Databases

Notion's Databases are highly customizable and can be adapted to fit various use cases, ranging from project management to content organization. Explore and experiment with different features to make the most of this powerful tool.

To use Notion's Databases, follow these steps:

  • Creating a Database
      - Open Notion and navigate to your desired workspace or page.
      - Click on the "+" icon to add a new block.
      - Select "Database" from the block menu options.
      - Choose the type of database you want to create, such as "Table" or "Board."
      - Customize the properties and attributes of your database by adding different column types (text, date, select, etc.) using the inline toolbar.

  • Populating the Database
      - Once your database is created, add entries by clicking on an empty cell in a column and typing or selecting values.
      - You can also copy-paste data from other sources into your database cells.

  • Organizing and Sorting Data
      - Use the various views available for your database (Table, Board, Gallery, List, Timeline, Calendar) to visualize and organize your data based on your needs.
      - Customize the layout and appearance of each view using block settings.

  • Filtering and Sorting Data
      - In table view, click on the filter icon in the column header to narrow down the data based on specific criteria.
      - Sort data by clicking the arrow icon in the column header and selecting an option like ascending or descending order.

  • Collaborating and Sharing
      - Share access to your Notion workspace or specific pages with collaborators by inviting them via email or sharing a link with them.
      - Collaborators can add/edit entries in databases if granted permission.

Notion databases table view

Image Source: Notion

  • Database Use Cases

Notion's Databases are a versatile feature that allows you to create and organize structured data within your workspace.

Here are some use cases:

  • Project Management:

Create databases to track tasks, deadlines, progress, and assign responsibilities. Use views like Kanban or Board to visualize the workflow.

  • CRM (Customer Relationship Management)

Build databases to manage customer information, interactions, deals, and communications all in one place.

  • Knowledge Base

Create a database of articles, FAQs, or documentation for easy reference and organization.

  • Personal Planning

Use databases for personal task tracking, habit tracking, goal setting, journaling, or any other personal organization needs.

  • Team Collaboration

Collaborate with team members on shared projects by creating databases to track work progress, meetings, ideas, brainstorming sessions, and more.

  • Content Calendar

Set up a database as a content calendar where you can plan and schedule blog posts, social media updates, newsletters, and other content-related activities.

  • Inventory Management

Create a database to keep track of inventory levels for products or supplies with columns like item name, quantity in stock, reorder point dates, etc.

  • Event Planning

Manage event details such as the attendee list and agenda timeline using different views like a table or calendar view.

  • Budgeting and Expense Tracking

Use databases with custom properties to track expenses and budget allocations for personal finances or business purposes.

  • Research Compilation

Gather research materials such as articles, links, and notes/images in one place using various database views like table view or gallery view.

These are just a few examples of how Notion's Databases can be used. The flexible nature of these databases allows you to customize them according to your specific needs and preferences.

  • Notion's Collaboration & publishing

Notion lets multiple users work together on the same page at the same time. This means teams can collaborate in real-time to see each other's changes instantly. You can also see where others are working with cursor visibility, making coordination easier.

Additionally, comments and discussions can be added to specific parts of the page, making it easy to give feedback and communicate within the context.

You can generate shareable links for your pages or databases, so you can easily share them with anyone outside your team.

You can customize access levels for different individuals or groups when sharing links.

Notion collaboration and publishing

Image Source: Notion

Notion keeps communication effective and accountable with mentions and notifications for team members. You can control who has access to view or edit at different levels using access permissions.

Notion makes it easy to create custom websites with templates and multimedia content like images and videos. You can even connect your own domain name with a paid plan for a branded URL.

  • Notion's Data & Integrations

Notion simplifies collaboration and boosts productivity by integrating and connecting data from different sources.

It easily connects with popular tools such as Google Drive, Dropbox, GitHub, Slack, Evernote, etc. This allows you to effortlessly import files, documents, and information from these platforms directly into your Notion workspace.

Notion also offers an API for developers to create their own integrations and automate workflows.

This means you can tap into the functionality of external services and seamlessly incorporate them into your Notion workspace, enhancing your productivity and workflow efficiency.

Notion Data & Integrations

Image Source: Notion

Notion's Data & Integrations feature helps you streamline your workflow by combining data from different sources into a single workspace.

It also automates tasks and enables seamless collaboration with others.

You can save or share any Notion page or database as a PDF, CSV, or HTML file on your computer.

This allows you to back up your data and store it in a format compatible with different applications. It provides an extra layer of security and ensures that you can access your information even if you are offline or if anything happens to your Notion account.

  • Notion's Security & Privacy

Notion takes the security and privacy of user data seriously. They use encryption to keep information safe, both when it's stored and when it's being sent between users and Notion's servers.

This ensures that your data is protected at all times, making Notion security review an essential aspect of considering their platform.

You can control who can access different pages or databases through granular permission settings.

This helps you decide precisely who can see and edit specific information, giving you precise control over shared data.

Notion's Security & Privacy

Image Source: Notion

Notion regularly conducts security audits (notion security review) to keep user data safe. These audits help identify and fix any weaknesses or vulnerabilities in their systems, ensuring the ongoing protection of your information.

Notion takes privacy seriously and follows strict practices to safeguard user information. They only access your data when necessary to provide their services and never sell or share personal information with third parties without your explicit consent.

As highlighted in this Notion security review, Notion takes security seriously, making it a good software to consider for data security discussions.

Notion Pricing

Notion offers a flexible pricing model that caters to individuals, teams, and businesses of all sizes. With both free and paid plans available, you can choose the option that best suits your needs and budget.

Here is an overview of the available plans:

Plan Starting Price Features
Free $0/month Collaborative workspace, Integrate with Slack, GitHub & more, Basic page analytics, 7 day page history, Invite 10 guests
Plus $10 per user/ billed monthly Everything in Free, and Unlimited blocks for teams, Unlimited file uploads, 30 day page history, Invite 100 guests
Business $18 per user/ billed monthly Everything in Plus, and SAML SSO, Private teamspaces, Bulk PDF export, Advanced page analytics, 90 day page history, Invite 250 guest
Enterprice Custom Price Everything in Business, and User provisioning (SCIM), Advanced security & controls, Audit log, Customer success manager, Workspace analytics, Unlimited page history, Security & Compliance integrations, Invite 250 guests
Notion Pricing

Image Source: Notion

Notion offers a pricing structure that includes discounts for yearly subscriptions.

The free version of Notion is one of its standout features, as it allows you to explore and experience the platform before committing to a subscription.

This gives individuals and teams the opportunity to fully understand its capabilities and determine if it meets their requirements before making a financial investment.

Notion PROS and CONS

Notion offers a versatile and customizable platform that allows you to organize your information and collaborate with ease. Nevertheless, it is important to weigh the potential downsides before concluding.

Let's delve into the Notion pros and cons:


  • Notion offers an impressive free plan for users to get started with. This allows users to explore and familiarize themselves with the platform's features before committing to a subscription.

  • Notion offers competitive pricing compared to its competitors in the market. The subscription plans are reasonably priced and provide excellent value for the features and functionalities offered.

  • Notion provides users with a wealth of tutorials and resources to help them get started and make the most of the platform. These tutorials cover a wide range of topics, from basic features and functionalities to advanced usage scenarios.

  • Notion's flexibility and versatility are standout features that allow users to track and organize various aspects of their lives. Whether it's personal tasks, project management, note-taking, or goal tracking, Notion provides a customizable platform to suit individual needs.


  • One area where Notion can be improved is in its collaboration features. Users have reported some challenges with notifications, finding them to be inaccurate or unreliable at times. This can pose difficulties when working on collaborative projects and relying on timely updates and notifications.

  • Notion's lack of recurring tasks and limited task-oriented features can indeed make it a tough choice for users who prioritize these functionalities in their workflow.

  • Notion's current limitations in providing support for writing inline math in text blocks can be a drawback for users, particularly engineers or individuals who rely heavily on equations and mathematical annotations in their work.

Choosing the right productivity tool is all about finding a balance between what you need and what different software can offer.

It's important to think about your priorities and decide if Notion pros and cons meets your expectations or if there might be another tool that suits you better.

 Notion's Users Testimonials

When determining if Notion is the right tool for you, reading Notion reviews and testimonials from other users can be helpful. These firsthand accounts provide insights into what are Notion pros and cons, and the overall satisfaction with the tool.

By reading about others' experiences, you can get a better idea of Notion pros and cons, and whether or not will meet your needs. It's important to keep in mind that everyone's experience may be different, so it's a good idea to consider multiple perspectives before making a decision.

The finest app I've found so far. It has helped me get my life in order and better manage my time. I really like how I can choose from pre-made templates or make my own custom collection. Another helpful aspect is its adaptability, which lets me make different kinds of content, such as checklists.

Notion has the most features and customization of any app I've seen, but it takes a while to learn them organically and find one that works for you.

I’ve been using notion for a few years now. I tried other apps ( mainly iOS ones such as things 3, using goodnotes as a planner, even obsidian) but kept returning to notion.

I use Notion for all my notes. While it does have to-do list abilities, it really isn't a to-do list tool.

WIth its features, it became too heavy, too complicated. Now, I don't recommend it to anybody anymore. The features are sometimes too complex to learn them easy.

Notion is fantastic. The only negative point I can think of is that I wish it had better functionality with Microsoft Teams/Office products.

I like how everything is very ease of use. I look how I'm able to customize the text to suit my needs. I like how I'm able to embed different things into notion. The AI features are a nice touch.

If you have a genuine interest in using Notion, I recommend trying the app yourself to determine if it aligns with your needs. By gaining firsthand experience, you can form your opinion and make an informed decision about whether or not Notion is the right tool for you.

 Notion's Customer Support

Notion offers customer support through email, live chat, and their Help Center to help users with their questions or issues.

They also have a comprehensive knowledge base and community forum where you can find answers to common questions and connect with other Notion users for guidance and inspiration.

They are committed to providing prompt and useful responses to ensure a great user experience.

Notion reviews

Image Source: Notion

If you're new to Notion, it's understandable that you might feel overwhelmed at first. I recommend checking out the knowledge base, which is a great resource to quickly familiarize yourself with the app and its features.


  • Notion is a versatile productivity tool that can be used for a wide range of purposes.

    It serves as an all-in-one workspace, allowing users to create and organize notes, documents, databases, project boards, wikis, and more.

    Notion can be used for personal organization, team collaboration, task management, knowledge management, and even as a lightweight project management tool.

    Its flexibility allows users to customize and adapt it to their specific needs.

  • Notion offers a FREE VERSION that provides a lot of features and functionality for personal use or small teams. You can create unlimited pages, collaborate with others, and sync across multiple devices without any cost.

    However, Notion also offers paid subscriptions that unlock additional features such as increased file upload limits, advanced permissions and collaboration controls, and priority support.

  • Notion is a versatile productivity tool that can be used by individuals and teams in various industries. It is particularly beneficial for people who prefer a flexible and customizable workspace to manage their personal or professional tasks, projects, and knowledge.

    Notion is well-suited for:

    • Project Managers

    Notion provides a comprehensive platform to plan, track, and collaborate on projects.

    With features like task management, Kanban boards, calendars, and integrations with other tools, it can help project managers stay organized and streamline their workflows.

    • Students and Educators

    Notion offers an excellent environment for note-taking, studying, and organizing educational resources.

    Its flexibility allows students to create custom databases, digital textbooks, flashcards, and collaborative study spaces.

    • Entrepreneurs and Startups

    Notion's versatility makes it an excellent tool for entrepreneurs to manage various aspects of their businesses, such as project management, team collaboration, content creation, client information tracking, goal setting, and more.

    • Knowledge Workers:

    Professionals in fields like marketing, content creation, research, or consulting can benefit from Notion's ability to organize information effectively.

    It allows them to create efficient workflows for research notes, gather insights from articles, and organize client data.

    • Remote Teams

    With its collaborative features like real-time editing and commenting abilities combined with its database functionality as an all-in-one tool, remote teams can use Notion as a central hub for communication, task management,

    knowledge sharing and document collaboration.

    However wide-ranging its applications may be, Notion may not fit everyone's workflow preferences, so it's important to evaluate whether it aligns with your specific needs before fully committing to it.

  • Yes, Notion is available on various platforms, including web browsers, desktop applications for Windows and macOS, as well as mobile apps for both iOS and Android devices.

  • Yes, one of the strengths of Notion is its ability to facilitate real-time collaboration. You can invite others to view or edit your pages, work together simultaneously, leave comments, and track changes made by team members.

  • Notion takes data security seriously and provides industry-standard measures to protect your information.

    They encrypt all data at rest and during transit, use secure connections (HTTPS), conduct regular backups, and employ best practices to ensure the privacy of your content.

    However, it's always recommended to take the necessary precautions while sharing sensitive information online.

  • Yes, Notion supports integration with several popular tools, such as Google Drive, Slack, GitHub, Zapier, and more, through their API and integrations gallery.

    This allows you to streamline your workflow by connecting Notion with your preferred productivity applications.


In conclusion, as highlighted in this Notion review and Notion security review, the software is a versatile productivity tool that offers both free and paid plans. It allows you to create and organize various types of content, collaborate with others in real-time, and customize your pages according to your preferences.

Its flexibility allows you to customize your workspace to fit your specific needs, making it suitable for a wide range of use cases. Whether you are a student looking for a note-taking app or a project manager needing a comprehensive task management system, Notion has something to offer.

One of the standout features of Notion is its page customization options. You can personalize your pages according to your preferences by choosing from various templates, layouts, colors, and fonts. This level of customization lets you create a workspace that aligns with your personal workflow and visual aesthetic.

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