Last Updated On January 08

Inbox Zero Hero or Overhyped Hype? The Ultimate SaneBox Review (2024)

Simplify your email life with SaneBox! Organize, prioritize, and declutter your inbox effortlessly. Say goodbye to inbox overload and hello to stress-free communication!

Tired of drowning in an overflowing email inbox? Introducing SaneBox, the solution to your email overload!

SaneBox uses advanced algorithms to automatically sort and prioritize your emails, ensuring that only the most important messages make it to your inbox. Say goodbye to sifting through endless spam and unimportant emails.

Enjoy a clutter-free inbox and feel in control of your email once again.

In this Sanebox review, we will delve into the characteristics, pros, and cons of SaneBox to assess whether it meets your business needs.

So sit back, relax, and let's find out if SaneBox is the one for you!

What is SaneBox?

SaneBox is an email management tool that uses artificial intelligence to prioritize and filter emails, helping you focus on important messages and declutter your inboxes.

SaneBox analyzes your behavior, such as which emails are opened and responded to, to determine the importance of incoming emails.

It moves unimportant emails out of the inbox into a separate folder called SaneLater and provides a summary in a digest format.

Ease of Use

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Customer Service




Ease of Use


Value for Money

Value for Money


Sanebox review

Image Source: SaneBox

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What is SaneBox used for?

SaneBox email management tool helps you declutter or tidy up your inbox and make sure you see the important stuff first. It uses artificial intelligence algorithms to look at your email history and sort incoming emails into different folders based on how important they are to you.

SaneBox does more than just sorting emails. It also has cool features like snoozing emails, setting reminders, and tracking emails. These tools help you stay organized and focused on the important stuff you need to get done.

Imagine you're someone with a really hectic job. Every day, your inbox gets bombarded with tons of emails from clients, coworkers, and people you work with. You've got so much going on, trying to keep track of all your projects and important stuff, but your inbox is like a messy pile of papers.

It's hard to find the important stuff, and sometimes you even miss deadlines because you're so swamped with emails.

In this situation, SaneBox would be a real lifesaver. It looks at all the emails you've gotten before and figures out which ones are super important and which ones aren't as urgent. Then, it sorts them into different folders for you.

That means your main inbox only shows you the really important stuff, and the less urgent emails go into other folders where you can check them later. It's like having a personal assistant organizing your inbox for you!

On top of that, SaneBox has some cool tricks to keep you on track. You can snooze emails that aren't urgent, so they pop back up when you're ready to deal with them. Plus, you can set reminders for important stuff like deadlines or things you need to follow up on.

This way, you won't forget anything important, and you can stay focused on what really matters.

SaneBox's Key Features

SaneBox offers a range of key features aimed at decluttering your inbox and improving productivity.

In this Sanebox review section, we will explore these essential features and evaluate how they align with your requirements.

  • SaneBox's Digest

SaneBox Digest is like having a personal email assistant that declutters your inbox and presents you with only the essential information you need to know.

By summarizing unimportant and unread emails, it saves you from sifting through countless messages, allowing you to save time, mental energy, and enable you to focus on what truly matters.

SaneBox digest

Image Source: SaneBox

Moreover, the power of the SaneBox Digest lies not only in its ability to declutter your inbox but also in its potential to transform how you approach email management.

The shift from slogging through an overwhelming pile of unread emails to receiving a concise overview encourages mindfulness and prioritization, raising awareness about where your attention is best directed.

  • SaneBox's Folders

SaneBox helps you take charge of your inbox with easy-to-use folder management. This simplifies inbox navigation and streamlines workflow.

SaneBox's folders are a crucial tool for organizing and cleaning up your inbox.

They include various useful folders such as DoNotDisturb, Email Deep Clean, SaneDigest, SaneBlackHole, SaneLater, and more. Each of these folders serves a unique purpose in helping users manage and streamline their email communication effectively.

sanebox folders

Image Source: SaneBox

You have the flexibility to set up your own email folders according to your specific needs, such as categorizing personal emails, invitations, expenses, eTickets, work-related correspondence, or any other customized categories that suit your requirements.

This allows you to efficiently organize and manage your emails based on your preferences and priorities.

  • SaneBox's Do Not Disturb

The hustle and bustle of a busy workday can often feel overwhelming, especially when the constant ping of incoming emails disrupts our focus.

This is where SaneBox's Do Not Disturb feature becomes a game-changer, allowing users to channel their attention by diverting non-urgent emails to a designated folder.

The result? A distraction-free environment that promotes deep work and heightened productivity.

Do not Distrub

Image Source: SaneBox

One fresh perspective on this feature is its ability to foster mindfulness in the workplace.

By creating boundaries around email communication, you can immerse yourself fully in important tasks without feeling constantly pulled in different directions.

From a strategic standpoint, using SaneBox's Do Not Disturb feature helps you manage your time better. By setting specific times to check diverted emails, you can focus on important tasks more efficiently.

  • SaneBox's Reminders

SaneBox reminders are a game-changer for anyone juggling multiple responsibilities. With the constant influx of emails vying for our attention, it's easy to overlook crucial messages that require prompt action.

By setting up reminders, you can ensure that important tasks don't get buried in your inbox. This feature empowers you to stay organized and on top of your priorities, allowing you to manage your time effectively.

Sanebox reminders

Image Source: SaneBox

SaneBox reminders offer flexibility, allowing you to customize when and how often you receive them.

You can also snooze reminders to focus on urgent matters while ensuring nothing important slips your mind.

In essence, SaneBox reminders give users control over email management, freeing up mental space for more meaningful work.

  • SaneBox's Trainings & Filters

SaneBox Trainings & Filters have completely changed how we handle our email inboxes. They use smart algorithms to learn from what we do and then sort emails into the right folders, saving us time and brainpower.

Training the SaneBox algorithm isn't just about organizing your emails; it's about reclaiming your time and mental energy.

By actively participating in the process of training the algorithm, you're essentially customizing your email experience to suit your unique needs and preferences.

It's like setting up a personal assistant who knows exactly how you like things done and takes care of them without you having to micromanage every detail. This level of customization not only saves time in the long run but also reduces the mental clutter that comes with an overflowing inbox.

SaneBox Trainings & Filters

Image Source: SaneBox

By organizing emails into designated folders, you can easily manage your inbox. For instance, to ensure that emails from a particular newsletter service are directed to your SaneNews folder, simply move the latest newsletter into that folder.

From then on, all future newsletters from that sender will automatically be placed in the SaneNews folder.

Additionally, you can teach the system by using contacts and redirect emails from a specific address to the appropriate folder.

  • SaneBox's Deep Clean

SaneBox's Deep Clean feature is a game-changer for those drowning in email overload.

When you allow SaneBox to check your email, it will find the senders who email you the most. After the scan, you can choose which senders are not important, and SaneBox will move their emails to your Trash folder.

Then, emptying your trash will free up space in your email account.

SaneBox deep clean

Image Source: SaneBox

The freedom to swiftly move non-critical messages to the Trash folder ensures that your primary focus remains on the essential emails that truly matter.

It's the perfect solution for those who have let their inbox run amok, with thousands of unread emails and no end in sight.

  • SaneBox's Attachments

SaneBox's new feature that automatically saves email attachments to cloud storage services is a game-changer for productivity and organization.

By seamlessly integrating with popular platforms like Dropbox, Google Drive, Box, OneDrive, and Evernote, SaneBox empowers you to declutter your inboxes while securely storing important files in the cloud.

The ability to customize this feature for each email account and select specific folders for attachment uploads adds a layer of flexibility that caters to your workflow preferences.

SaneBox's Attachments

Image Source: SaneBox

SaneBox's innovative approach acknowledges the changing work environment and growing use of cloud-based file storage.

By automatically saving email attachments to your chosen cloud storage services, SaneBox simplifies filing and reduces manual work.

This reflects the importance of integrating email management with cloud storage for improved efficiency in today's technology-driven world.

SaneBox's Pricing

SaneBox offers flexible pricing plans that cater to diverse email management needs. With options designed for individuals, teams, and businesses, SaneBox provides flexible solutions to enhance productivity and organization within your inbox.

Let's explore the pricing options offered by SaneBox.

Plan Starting Price Features
Snack $7/ paid monthly 1 Email account, Pick 2 features, Support Via Email and Messaging.
Lunch $12/ paid monthly 2 Email account, Pick 6 features, Support Via Email and Messaging.
Dinner $36/ paid monthly 4 Email account, All features, Support Via Email, Messaging, and Phone Call.
SaneBox Pricing

Image Source: SaneBox Pricing

SaneBox offers significant discounts on yearly subscriptions, providing 3 months free across all plans.

For biyearly subscriptions, the Snack and Lunch plans offer 9 months free, while the Dinner plan provides 10 months free.

When you choose the annual subscription, you can save money compared to the monthly plan. This helps you and businesses budget better while enjoying all the features and benefits of SaneBox.

In addition to the subscription discounts, SaneBox also offers a 14-day free trial for users to explore the platform and its features before making a commitment to a paid plan.

SaneBox's PROS and CONS

SaneBox is a popular email management tool that offers various features to enhance productivity and organization. However, despite its benefits, there are also limitations you should consider. In this Sanebox revew section, We will explore some of these benefits and limitations.

Let's now examine some the pros and cons in more detail.


  • SaneBox not only offers a simple and straightforward setup process, but also provides an intuitive user interface and seamless integration with various email platforms.

  • SaneBox's customizable folders offer you the flexibility to organize your emails according to your specific preferences, enabling efficient and personalized email management.

  • SaneBox offers a streamlined process for training its algorithm, facilitating an efficient setup of personalized email management.

  • Sanebox offers an affordable starting price of $7 per month, which makes it accessible to a wide range of users.

  • They have great customer service, they are flexible and accommodate to your needs.


  •  The software may be improved by allowing for an unlimited number of self-defined folders but it works well as it is.

  • Some users have expressed that they would appreciate a more timely response from the email support team.

  • There is a bit of a learning curve, for sure, and it takes a while for you to figure out just how you personally would like to use it.

Choosing the right email management service tool is all about finding a balance between what you need and what different software can offer.

It's important to think about your priorities and decide if SaneBox meets your expectations or if there might be another tool that suits you better.

 SaneBox's Users Testimonials

To decide if SaneBox is suitable for your needs, it's beneficial to check out Sanebox reviews and testimonials from other users. These personal accounts offer valuable perspectives on the strengths and weaknesses of SaneBox, as well as how satisfied users are with the tool overall.

By learning from others' experiences, you can gain a clearer understanding and form your own Sanebox review or opinion of whether the software will be a good fit for you. Remember that everyone's experience is unique, so it's wise to consider various viewpoints before reaching a conclusion.

SaneBox saves me a load of time by automatically moving unimportant emails out of my way until I am ready to address them. Ads that may interest me are moved into folders that I may review after hours or in my leisure time. My Inbox contains only emails that are important to me. Furthermore, I can drop an email into a folder that will present it back to me on a specific date and time that I desire to deal with it; a "reminder".

The software may be improved by allowing for an unlimited number of self-defined folders but it works well as it is.

Sanebox has greatly sanitized my mailbox,giving me control over the type of emails I receive.I love the "NoResponse" filter and I use it to bring out emails I send to people,which got no response from them. The "SaneBlackhole" feature is where unwanted newsletters I receive go into, and I have it to thank for how easy it is to scroll through my inbox these days.

I have got reservations about how everytime someone sends me an email for the first time, their email ends up in the Sanelater Folder rather than my inbox. On some occasions ,such emails have ended up being very important emails.

I love the way SaneBox sorts my email into convenient, prioritized folders. It keeps me focused on my most important emails, lets me get to Inbox Zero quickly, and makes it easier to get rid of the junk.

“ I wish I could have additional customized folders to easier keep track of emails with a particular subject.

I can't think of anything I don't like. I guess if I could add one thing it would be to have options show up ON the email when you open it like Boomerang.

If you have a genuine interest in using Sanebox, I recommend trying the app yourself to determine if it aligns with your needs.

By gaining firsthand experience, you can form your own opinion and make an informed decision about whether or not SaneBox is the right tool for you.

 SaneBox's Customer Support

SaneBox provides support through email but also offers live chat as a customer support option.

Having both email and live chat options available provides users with flexibility in choosing the method that suits their needs best. Whether it's sending an email for less urgent inquiries or using live chat for immediate assistance.

Live chat support enables real-time communication, allowing users to get instant answers to their questions and swift resolutions to any issues they may encounter.

SaneBox customer support

Image Source: SaneBox

SaneBox's website hosts a well-rounded Help Center, featuring a variety of articles and guides, providing users with a valuable resource for finding solutions to frequently raised queries and enhancing their overall experience.


  • SaneBox provides a 14-day free trial for users to experience its features before committing to a subscription. Following this trial period, you can choose from various subscription options based on your needs and preferences.

  • SaneBox prioritizes the security and privacy of its users' data. The platform employs robust encryption methods to safeguard sensitive information and adheres to strict security protocols to ensure user confidentiality.

  • SaneBox operates by analyzing your email behavior and prioritizing important messages, moving less urgent ones to a separate folder for later review.

    It integrates with your email client to recognize and sort incoming messages, allowing you to focus on the most critical emails first.

  • Yes, SaneBox allows users to utilize multiple email addresses within a single account, enabling efficient inbox management across various email accounts.

  • Yes, SaneBox is compatible with Gmail. It seamlessly integrates with Gmail to streamline inbox organization and management.


In conclusion, as we emphasized in this SaneBox review, the software offers a powerful solution to the common problem of email overload. By leveraging artificial intelligence to sort and prioritize incoming messages, it empowers users to efficiently manage their inboxes and concentrate on crucial communications.

Its intuitive features not only save time and reduce stress but also enhance productivity by ensuring that important emails are never missed or buried beneath a mountain of clutter. As businesses and individuals grapple with an ever-increasing volume of digital correspondence, SaneBox stands out as a valuable ally in streamlining email management.

Remember that everyone's experience is unique, so it's wise to consider various viewpoints before reaching a conclusion. If you have a genuine interest in using Sanebox, I recommend trying the app yourself to determine if it aligns with your needs.

By gaining firsthand experience, you can form your can form own Sanebox review or opinion and make an informed decision about whether or not SaneBox is the right tool for you.

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